For the first time in your life, you have nothing to worry about. You're calm, and just satisfied with the way things are going.
Things haven't been really bad lately. In fact, they started to get much, and much better.
And then, it hits you. Out of nowhere. Memories of how things used to be.
And even though you're satisfied with your life now.. Even though you accepted that things changed..
You miss it.
Most of the times, it's not even the people that you miss.
It's the times when you didn't know, that you miss.
When you didn't know how people actually were.
When you didn't know how different everything would be.
I've personally felt this way quite some times.
Whether it was a break-up..
Or losing a close friend..
It all comes down to one thing;
When we look back at the past, we feel like times were so much better back then.
Because back then, you hadn't put up with those confrontations yet.
You couldn't imagine the pain it would bring if things ever changed.
And when things eventually do, not only the situation changes. People change, too.
It's like graduating from Elementary school.
For years, you've been surrounded by the same people. And then all of a sudden, everything changes.
Everyone goes their seperate ways, and even though you promised to keep in touch.. You'll never hear from them again.
Situations change. People change.
Everything changes.
And when you first walk through the doors of your new school, you miss it.
Your well-known school. The people. And everything that comes along with it.
But the more you get used to it, the easier it gets. You start to realise that this is the chance to make a new start.
You meet new people. You make new friends.
And even though sometimes, you still miss your old friends from Elementary school, you know it's for the better.
Throughout life, everyone developes themselves.
And in order to do so, you'll need to lose friends. Just so you can find true, reliable friends.
You'll need to get your heart broken. Just so you can appreciate real love when it gets to you.
You'll need bad things to happen. Just so you can be grateful for all the oppertunities that will come to you.
And you know what?
You'll need to accept change, because otherwise, you will never be able to accept life.
With love,
Written by Claudia.
Tuesday, jan. 11, 2011
©This piece of text is all written by me. It's an original, so please do not use without permission. I mean, how would you like the idea of someone just stealing your texts, pretending they're the ones who wrote it, when in fact, it isn't theirs at all?
Tuesday, jan. 11, 2011
©This piece of text is all written by me. It's an original, so please do not use without permission. I mean, how would you like the idea of someone just stealing your texts, pretending they're the ones who wrote it, when in fact, it isn't theirs at all?
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