oktober 16, 2010


Ain't it one of the most powerful feelings in the world, to know that your heart and concience are in harmony? It's like, for a moment, everthing falls into place. As if facing the world has never been a problem.

It's great realising that what you've done, ends up to be the right decision. Even though sometimes, it might've felt wrong instead.

People always told me to listen to my heart. But I now know that listening to your heart, isn't always the right thing to do. Sometimes, listening to your heart will cause you even more hurt, than listening to your concience will ever do.
I've experienced it myself. And I've learned that, the things or people you want the most in your heart, are sometimes the things or people you're best without. It sounds cruel, but in my experience, it's the truth.
It took a while for me to figure it out, but in the end I realised that sometimes, letting go of what you want in your heart, ain't that bad. In some cases, it could even be for the better.

I know how hard it is to just put aside your feelings, so you can do what other people think whats 'best for you'. I know that when your heart's just been broken, that's the last thing you want to hear. But in the end, you'll see that they're right. There's a reason why things end the way they do. And whatever that reason might be, you'll see that in time, you'll be happy it ended. Yes, it's hard to pick yourself up when you heart's broken, but the stupidest thing you could do is to go back to what hurt you so bad, hoping it will all work out by itself.
It happened to me. I gave second, third, even fourth chances to things that just weren't meant to be. And though it felt good in my heart, I always ended up being hurt a little bit more. Though it felt like the right thing to do at that moment, I realised that it was only temporary. 'Cause when things aren't meant to be, they just aren't meant to be. And there's nothing you can change about that.

It takes a while to understand, but sometimes, listening to your concience, instead of your heart, isn't even that bad. I know that many times, it feels that way. But trust me, it really isn't. It just takes patience, because most of the time, the decisions you make with your concience, aren't in harmony with what you want in your heart.
But that doesn't mean it's not better. You just gotta find a way to stand tall, and realise that sometimes, your heart's just plain wrong. It takes a lot of faith, courage, and patience. But in the end, you'll realise that you've made the right decision. You'll start seeing things you didn't see before. Things you probably wouldn't have seen if you just gave in to your feelings.

And you'll notice that, one day, everything will make perfect sense. You'll see why things ended the way they did. And you'll understand that you made the right decision.
That's when your heart and concience are binding. It's when you realise that what you did with your concience, is in harmony with what you want in your heart.
And tell me, ain't that one of the most powerful feelings in the world?

With love,

Written by Claudia.
Saturday, oct. 16 2010

©This piece of text is all written by me. It's an original, so please do not use without permission.  I mean, how would you like the idea of someone just stealing your texts, pretending they're the ones who wrote it, when in fact, it isn't theirs at all?

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